About ME! The owner guy

Hello all, my name is Jordan and this is my website and business!  How fun!  First off, thanks for being here and taking some time to look through some of the stuff on here.  

I guess I'll tell you guys what my goal with this shop is, which is to spread some fun through games into your lives.  All throughout my childhood games were how my family and friends had fun together.  We always had a game for things.  Doing chores?  Make it a game and then have fun while you work.  Sitting around with people?  Play a game and have conversation!

Games are a great way for me to meet and communicate with new people and to make new friends.  They're a wonderful medium to spark conversation and to get to know someone.  I always feel more at ease and able to speak more freely while I'm playing a game.  I'm truly myself when I can let go of worries and get caught up in the excitement and competition of games!

So, these are some of the reasons why I started this shop.  I just simply love games and having fun!  I believe everyone should enjoy life every single day and to do the things they love.  Life is meant to be enjoyed whether it's a good day or a bad one.   


I eventually want a brick and mortar store where I can sell all these games!  That and just a place where people can come and hang out, whether they're playing board games, card games, video games, watching movies, or using a VR setup, I want to have it all in my shop as the ultimate hangout spot for people.

I want a place where people can get together and do stuff without feeling weird about being in a public space(which seem to be fewer and fewer these days).

I have a passion for making games and bringing people together, I want people to enjoy their lives and for me that means having a store like this that I hope can help people and sell wonderful products.


If you'd like to know anything else about me feel free to email us at hello@thebacongames.com!  I'd be happy to talk and get to know anyone out there!  See ya!